will the picnic be electric…?

All the ‘youngsters’ will be back from Oxygen soon and this place is on the verge of being bombarded with pics and stories of how great the line - up was. I agree. If the line up was for The Picnic…. it’d have been a sell-out already. To the EP. I was there last year. I have my tickets booked for this year. Booked them a while ago now. But I’m mumbled in my mind at this moment… I dont’t know exactly why… ? Maybe it’s the fact that last year we had The Gossip, Franz Ferdinand and The Sex Pistols… At one point Christy Moore played while The Stunning were literally brewing up a storm. I of course chose The Stunning. But this year [so far....] its a little more… how should I say it…to quote a friend of mine… there’d be a lot of great acts for vicar street … There’s more

Cat Laughs 2009 - Here We Go Again

Darragh and Darren have already regaled you with the highlights of last year’s Festival so I won’t go throught it again. In case I haven’t made it clear yet, I am really really looking forward to the weekend and we’ve really prepared for this year. We’re going to everything. Practically. Last year’s festival was one of my highlights of 2008 and not merely because of the comedy. The atmosphere of the weekend is something I’m really hoping we can recreate and for that reason I am also looking forward to: 1. Great weather We’re Irish so it’s only natural to talk about the weather. The topic has been playing on my mind for some time now - since April actually, the day I bought our 18 tickets for the weekend. Last year the sun shone throughout and I had the blisters to prove it. So having checked out the forecast … There’s more

The Mulkerrin Brothers win The All Ireland Talent Show

Posted this video on Youtube earlier this evening after watching the show Can’t say I’ve been following it every week, but when I saw little Jack Lynch doing his hip hop at the audition I figured he was going to emerge as the winner. He came second to the Mulkerrin Brothers who represented the West of Ireland under mentor Daithi O’Se. 3 talented brothers from an Island off the West Coast are €50,000 richer tonight and long may they continue to keep traditional Irish music and dance alive.