Summer Drama for Kids - 2 Week Drama Camps in Galway

Galway actor Sarah O’Toole will be running her popular kids’ drama programme this July. First camp starts week of July 5th and runs for 2 weeks meeting on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays. Venue is Anno Santo Hotel, Salthill, Galway. Second Camp starts week of July 19th and runs for 2 weeks meeting on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays. Venue TBC. Two different age groups - 10-12 year olds - classes take place from 11.00am to 2.00pm 12-14 year olds - classes take place from 3.00pm to 6.00pm Price: €120 per 2 week camp (18 hours quality tuition) For any enquiries or to book a place call 087 237 3531. As there are only 12 places available to ensure quality tuition, it is advised to book as soon as possible! Fee payable in advance or on first session. Tutor is an experienced teacher and theatre practitioner with a Masters in Theatre Directing.

Acting Classes for Adults in Galway

Galway based actor Sarah O’Toole will be running drama workshops in Galway in the coming weeks. Introduction to Acting - Wednesday Nights 7.00 - 9.00pm This course is aimed at adults from 16 upwards covers all the basics in approaching acting and theatre through a varied selection of games, exercises, improvisations and techniques, whilst sharing with the students all the fun to be had in the rehearsal room! Starts 7th April. Acting for Fun - Tuesday Nights 7.00 - 9.00pm This course is aimed at adults with some experience of acting and deepens the skills encountered in previous classes, moving towards working on scripted scenes. Starts 6th April. Price: €120/100 (students/unemployed). For any enquiries or to book a place call 087 237 3531. As there are only 12 places available to ensure quality tuition, it is advised to book as soon as possible! Fee payable in advance. or on first … There’s more