Competition Closed: Bill Coleman, New Album, Unique Artwork

Bill Coleman is a Cork musician determined to do things for himself. A prolific writer he’s self-releasing his second album “You Can’t buy Back Your Life” today and we’ve got 3 copies to give away to you lucky Culch readers! Coleman decided to forgo the traditional label route and produce a limited edition run of 2,000 CDs with handmade artwork. The result is that each CD is completely unique. Check out the nifty video below which will give you a taste of Coleman’s musical style and which compresses the artwork creation process into 3-and-a-bit minutes. Bill also talks about the project here. Given this level of focus about his artwork, it’s no surprise to learn he is equally determined to do-it-himself when it comes to the music. Recorded in a home studio, the sound is a mixture of handclappy indie pop and slower, more heartfelt songs. Comparisons with Damien Rice … There’s more