Movie News 20/03/09

Not just the one trailer today, I have a few videos to show you all, along with the other news:- Michael Caine’s new film, Is Anybody There?, where he plays a aging magician who is spending his remaining days in a retirement home, looks very promising. In it he befriends a young boy who has been bouncing back and forth in homes such as this. Check out the trailer: For all you Star Wars fans, you can now complete your memorabilia collection. ‘The Force’ action figure is a must for any collector: LeCraic spoke of Gullivers Travels yesterday. Well, it’s soon to get a big screen outing and Doctor Who’s Donna Noble, AKA Catherine Tate is on board. The horror of horrors, Gobstopper - Christopher Lloyd is just brilliant (from the genius Funny Or Die): SNL’s Andy Samberg (from this brilliant(!) music video) has been confirmed as host of … There’s more