Swear I’m Not Red?
Ever wanted to see our very own Ronan Hunt-Murphy a.k.a prolific Irish music blogger Swearimnotpaul? Well, now you can, for a full 3 and a half minutes as he guides you through the world of Irish music in his very own videocast (podcasting is SO 2008). REDmusic Review is a quirky jaunt recommending what to listen out for, what to download for free, what to pay to download and what to watch on YouTube. Including music ‘parrot’ees. :rollseyes: The videocast itself is a pilot for an online show with RTÉ Young Peoples for their hit show Apartment Red: http://www.rte.ie/tv/red/ And may we add without bias that we think he does a great job, rather dashingly it must be said. Ronan is a Culch.ie with great clout when it comes to recommending music. His blog, now to be found at http://swearimnotpaul.com has received countless nominations from the 2010 Irish Web Awards … There’s more