Podcasts and Me
Last night, I was invited along to the Dave Fanning Show on 2FM to talk about podcasts. I’m no expert (is there such a thing as a podcast expert?), I’m don’t even have the most up date iPod, but I do have an avid interest and a curious nature that has me trying new things all the time. Podcasts are a great way of broadening your horizons quickly, easily and for free. Dave (yeah, we’re on first name terms) asked me if there was a definitive list of the best podcasts. Well, it’s a hugely subjective thing. It’s easy to look at the most downloaded podcasts on iTunes - but they’re not going to be to everyone’s tastes. Even the list of nominees for this year’s Irish Web Awards won’t be for everyone. The great thing about podcasting, the central appeal of it is that it is niche based. If … There’s more