Absolut Fringe Review: Lipstick Service

When the press release for Lipstick Service arrived it sounded like something a little bit different. “Prison is the setting for LIPSTICK SERVICE, a cutting edge production from La-Di-Da, which premieres in this year’s Absolut Fringe. The play centres on the experiences of three female prisoners, Natasha, Chrisso and Faith, and their ability to cope with life behind bars. In an engaging and gripping presentation, these women reveal the raw truth and harsh reality of living within a prison community.” Then again, press releases have a habit of using adjectives like ‘engaging’ and ‘gripping’ and ‘raw’ with wild abandon so we weren’t particularly worried about picking two seats in the front row until the lights came up on the opening scene of a girl being forced to go down on a prison officer. It’s intensely difficult to look away from something on stage the way you can on TV. There’s … There’s more

Review: THE BLANCH at ABSOLUT Fringe - bizarre but very funny

What it’s called: THE BLANCH Where it is: Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 and The Axis, Ballymun When it is: Tonight to Saturday September 12 at 7pm and September 16 to 19 at the Axis at 8pm How long it is: 60 minutes How much it is: €16 or €13 What they say: Welcome to Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, where you can always be sure of a bargain …especially when you use your 5-finger discount. Outsize Orlagh is after a designer fit and Enda is shopping for the latest thing but the kids are driving them mad. Jacintha and Dijon shop for free, while the Cavan farmers are after some ham. Security has his eye on everyone, but the economy is crumbling, credit cards are crunching, and everyone’s going out of control. A band of Bouffons (outcast clowns from god-knows-where) take over the theatre to present a phantasmagorical escalator ride through … There’s more