Movie Review: Bad Teacher
As far as I can tell this has nothing to do with Bad Santa. Which is a shame, because not only was Bad Santa a pretty excellent film, but also I like the idea of starting off a franchise — something you could line up against your Date Movies and Epic Movies and Superhero Movies and whatnot. An opposing front. Think about it: Bad Civil Engineer! Bad Tax Underwriter! Bad Prie… weeell, maybe there’s a line. But the principle stands. (Actually, has there ever been a Movie Movie? I don’t mean to harp on here, but these abominations need to be taken down one way or another, and metahumour’s metakiss of metadeath might be just the way to do it. Like, not just some cheap fourth-wall-breaking effort — really hammer down into the old continental philosophy. Go the distance. Crack out the Deleuze and let fly. I digress, I digress.) … There’s more