In my opinion: Soon, Bloggers Must Give Full Disclosure

Please note, this is a personal opinion piece and should not be taken to necessarily represent or reflect the views of any other contributors to or administrators of An article appeared in this week’s New York Times that has made me ridiculously happy. While it’s not something that everyone will appreciate or recognise as being important, I believe the points it raises are of extreme importance to the future of a certain type of blogging, in how both bloggers and readers engage online and it will make things that bit more interesting and honest. In an article entitled “Soon, Bloggers Must Give Full Disclosure“, journalist Tim Arango describes how “The government will seek to slow the spread of false “word of mouth” promotions in exchange for product samples.” “I think that bloggers definitely need to be held accountable… I think there is a certain level of trust that bloggers … There’s more

James Gurney, catching a flight from Nantes to Dinotopia

James Gurney, creator of Dinotopia, has an excellent series of posts on his poster commission from the Utopiales Festival. You can see the entire process from pencil to paint, and the thoroughness and discipline of this incredible painter. His blog is funny and informative, from getting neighbours to pose in sheets for reference to his studiously described studies of academic painting techniques. Part 1

Zombie’s Guide to Podcasting - 10 Tips

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! Last week, we talked about the top tools available to Marketers. On Darren’s recommendation, we’re discussing one of those tools this week. Week 5 Idiots Zombie’s Guide to Podcasting 1. Get a quality Mic So, so important. I recommend Studio Projects B1 and a preamp, going through a simple tool like Garageband on a Macbook. Alternatively, the Zoom H-4 is a very portable and affordable quality mp3/Wave recorder. You record directly onto the drive and then export to Garageband for editing. Listeners Zombies know quality when they hear it. 2. Pick a good space If you don’t have a studio, make sure that you pick somewhere nice and quiet, with good absorption. You want rooms with carpets, curtains and soft furniture rather than echoey … There’s more