Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn’s Break Up

Last year, Scarlett Johansson surprised a lot of people when she released her album of Tom Waits songs, not least of all me. I loved the album, Anywhere I Lay My Head – her smoky voice perfectly suited Waits tunes. Produced by Dave Sitek and with backing from Bowie, the album featured some of my most listened to tracks from last year. Her follow up, released last month, is a collection of original songs written by and recorded with Pete Yorn, called The Break Up Album and this theme runs right through it – misery, anger, loss and disappointment punctuate an album of reasonable tracks. The opening track is perhaps unfortunately the best track on the album. That’s not to take from the pleasantness of some of the other songs, but none of them reach the perfect sound of Relator.

What Lies In The Minds Of Men

Mr. Doyle popped by with wonderous news this morning: The Delorentos have changed their minds. Remember when they broke up? Well turns out they were just “on a break”. A letter from Ro - Hi, I’m writing to let you know that about a week ago I asked the other delorentos if they’d consider allowing me rejoin the group. After several good chats we’ve decided to continue on, together. As mentioned in our blog in December, 2008 was a difficult year for all sorts of reasons. I realise now that I didn’t cope very well with these. I guess you could say I discovered the true meaning of the phrase ‘difficult second album’. As bizarre and exciting as the period following the release of “In Love with Detail” was, I found the subsequent hibernation to write the next record, as well as some personal traumas, hard to deal with, to … There’s more