Generation Kill

This Wednesday 7th October Channel 4 will begin broadcasting a 7 part HBO drama called Generation Kill. The show which originally aired in the US in 2008 is based on the book of the same name by Rolling Stone’s Evan Wright. The book was developed for TV by David Simon and Ed Burns (The Wire) and has been proclaimed as the most realistic depiction of the Iraq War yet to make it to our screens. Generation Kill recounts Wrights experiences during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 when he was embedded with the First Recon Battalion of the US Marines and is shot with an almost documentary like style. This is not an action show. Fans of The Wire will recognise the slow pacing and prominence of dialogue over action as traits of Simon and Burns. They will also recognise one or two of the actors. The most obvious being … There’s more

Bye Bye Big Brother

Just caught this via @jonathanwpurvis on Twitter. It seems that Channel 4 have finally taken the hint that no-one is interested anymore and called an end to the reality TV series Big Brother. After over a decade next years BB11 is to be the final year of the show when c4′s contract with Endemol ends in 2010. Channel 4 claim the reasons behind the decision are purely creative and nothing to do with the dwindling popularity and fall in ratings but let’s be honest, the show stopped being creative after Series 2 and the idea of the social experiment behind the programme has long since been abandoned in favour of crass, shock-value TV. Remember the girl & the bottle? Need I say more?

Why So Series: Spaced

Show: Spaced Starring: Jessica Hynes (Stevenson), Simon Pegg & Nick Frost Channel: Channel 4 Genre: Sitcom First Aired: 24th September 1999 Concluded: 13th April 2001 The Story: Meet Daisy (Jessica Hynes-Stevenson) and Tim (Simon Pegg), both down on their luck and out on their arses at the end of two disastrous relationships. A chance meeting in a greasy spoon results in Daisy & Tim, previous strangers, shacking up together as a make-believe couple in order to get a great apartment which stipulates that only couples need apply. Background: Pegg and Stevenson are not only the stars but the writers of the series with Edgar Wright directing all 14 episodes. “Spaced” is heavily laden with pop culture references and according to Pegg (& wikipedia) the US TV show Northern Exposure, with it’s frequent use of fantasy sequences was one of the key influences on the show. The pair pitched the show as … There’s more