Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2010 – No.25

Okay folks it’s back and it’s bigger the same length as last year’s! 25 days till Christmas so it’s time to countdown the Top 25 Movies of 2010. The rules are the same too: The film must have been released in Ireland during the calendar year 2010; This list is entirely based on my own opinion therefore I must have seen the film; Films from December 2010 are exempt from inclusion as the list was finalised on November 30th; I reserve the right to include any film released in December in the listing after all 25 have been revealed. So kicking off this snowy festive season is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.1

And so the end is here and I unveil my final movie. Imagine that sentence with Sinatra singing and you’ll get what I was aiming at. 25 days of counting down the top movies of 2009 has led us somewhat circuitously to this day. Only one remains, the final one, the best movie of 2009. Many favourites have fallen by the way side and if any of you have been trying to guess what it could be, waiting with baited breath well then the good news is the wait is over. The best movie of 2009 is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.2

Okay technically today’s choice is a 2008 movie but for the sake of clarity it meets the criteria having being released in January 2009 in Ireland. A great heart-warming master-class in cinema it deservedly walked away with many of the top honours in last years awards season. The second best movie of 2009 is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.3

I’m a sci-fi nut, love it to bits, and yet in my list of top films ever sci-fi fares poorly. Whether I’m just too picky or whether there are genuinely few epic sci-fi movies I don’t know. What I do know is that 2009 was a great year for sci-fi and today’s choice reflects just that. Worthy of mention with the likes of Silent Running, Blade Runner, Solaris and 2001: A Space Odyssey today’s choice reflects the ability of movies to make you think and wonder about ideas bigger than yourself. The third best movie released in Ireland in 2009 is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.4

It pains me greatly to put today’s choice at four instead of one. As soon as I saw it I felt about 10 again and realised why I love cinema so much. It brought me back to when I saw Jurassic Park, Star wars, and Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time and evoked childhood memories the likes of which few movies can. For almost 2 hours I sat enthralled, moth agape and starred in wonder at the majesty that unfolded onscreen. It was only in hindsight that I looked at this movie critically and saw it’s flaws, but then I went back and saw it again, and again, and again, and each time I forgot the flaws and loved that I had chosen to spend my time watching this particular movie. Logic tells me it shouldn’t be one and like for one of the protagonists logic almost … There’s more

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.5

And so we reach the Top 5, and in all honesty any of these would be worthy of the top spot as there is next to nothing to choose between them. I relegated today’s choice to the bottom of the Top 5 simply because I feel more strongly about the others. That is not to say that I believe that this is worse than the others, it isn’t, it’s just that the high I got from this one went away quicker than for the other 4. The 5th best film of 2009 is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.9

Today brings us to my one and only foreign language film in the Top 25, well I say one and only but there is another yet to come that has large parts not in English. This film proves that great cinema, strong story-telling and indeed good old-fashioned scares are not subject to the constraints of language. A true fright at 9 is…

Christmas Countdown: Top 25 Movies of 2009 – No.10

And now the games can begin. At last we have reached the top ten, the ten movies that I believe best reflect the raw power and visual majesty that was cinema in 2009. Not all of these will be critic’s darlings, but then many times what we like and what “professionals” think is best does not match. Instead I offer a top ten that will have some critically excellent movies and other that were just so enjoyable that it would be a crime to exclude them. And at 10 it is…