How to Market a Movie…

Well, I haven’t posted here in quite a while. Thought I’d return with the odd post…they’ll mainly be film related, so I hope you’ll have me back ———————- J.J. Abrams is the real deal. I’m sure most of you know this by now. Love or hate Lost, it’s one of the most spoken about TV shows of the 21st century (One way or another, I’m sure most of of want to find out how it’s going to finish) Fringe is a cult TV hit. Cloverfield was a viral success and Star Trek, released last year, was a triumph both critically and financially. It’s becoming quite clear that Abrams just has it. Has what though? Well, if you look at the footage of the teaser trailer of his next film, I think you’ll get an idea of what this guy is doing right.

The Flea Factor

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space! Last weeks article covered the general topic of how to spread an idea (to Zombies ). I thought I’d delve a little into the development of the study behind the transmission of ideas in popular culture and what it means for marketing. To summarize last weeks article: Want to spread your ideas? Target your zombies, connect them and lead them with well designed material and engaging interactive content. I mentioned something that I called ‘The Flea Factor’. It described the short attention span that Zombies of this world have. This week we’re going to discuss what that means for your ideas and how they spread. Week 3 - Infected - The Flea Factor Memetics Way back in 1976, Richard Dawkins (author of ‘The God Delusion‘) introduced a … There’s more