OWLS Children’s Nature Club

I discovered this club during Heritage Week. The event was advertised as a ‘Wild Kids’ discovery tour of Turvey Park in Donabate. I called the number and signed up my 6 year old, who loves nothing more than climbing trees and getting muddy. I dropped him to the meeting point and watched him wander off timidly with the other kids and ‘Mouse’ the leader. When I collected him after the 2 hours he was flushed, wet, muddy, in possession of a slingshot made from a twig and was talking at 100mph out of excitement about jumping ditches and making shelters. I signed him up for a year’s membership at a cost of €25. We get regular emails inviting us to events. The club has an allotment in St Anne’s Park where we are often invited as a family to go and help plant, dig and grow vegetables. The leaders there … There’s more

Competition: You Know I’m Bad, I’m Bad, You Know It

This Friday 25th June marks the first anniversary of Michael Jackson’s passing so we WANNA BE STARTING SOMETHING for him. To celebrate the legendary King of Pop’s life and music, Propaganda won’t STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH with plenty of whacko floor bombs. There will be loads of free Michael Jackson stuff to giveaway from the stage! Propaganda’s Tom Rackham is back this weekend with another killer set which should be OFF THE WALL! “It don’t matter if you’re BLACK OR WHITE at Propaganda - we just want to HEAL THE WORLD.”

At the Indie Disco…

While I am still drinking buckets of water in order to combat the dehydration caused by the many tears shed over the Lost finale , another big finale needs addressing. After nearly 5 years worth of cheap Cashels cider, gentlemen in pointy tipped shoes and of course fantastic music, the club night Antics is closing its doors for the last time, and while its ‘only a club night’, it’s going to make me rather sad. Set up by three young men, John Goucher, Craig Harper and Dave Parle it has been the home of indie kids on a Wednesday night , which also means the Harcourt Diner has been their home on early Thursday mornings (Fantastic tenders and curry dip in there). Not to get all grandpa but I remember fondly the first Antics where myself and a couple of friends had fallen into after a Saul Williams gig in … There’s more