The Rising in Vogue

The Easter Rising of 1916 is everywhere at the moment. With a new comic dedicated to the Rising being released this week and a new big name movie being announced, the pop culture arena is embracing our great Irish history. Gerry Hunt, a 73 year old Phibsboro man, has written a colourful comic story about the Irish rebels fight against the British army an Easter 1916. Blood Upon The Rose follows the main action from the story of the Rising, centring on characters like De Valera and Joseph Plunkett. “I would have loved to do more on the romance between Joseph Plunkett, who was dying with TB, and Grace Clifford, who he married before he was executed,” he told the Evening Herald. Sadly, it’s just 46 pages long. Perhaps he’ll expand on it in the future. Gerry will be signing copies of Blood Upon the Rose: Easter 1916 in Chapters … There’s more

The Walking Dead Week - TWD - A Review

On Monday, I posted about the new release of the latest book in The Walking Dead Series. Fantasy Bazaar has put together a Zombie filled week to celebrate this fact. Yesterday was: The Top 5 Zombie Movies (Don’t forget to Click here to enter the competition to win a signed copy of the latest ‘The Walking Dead’ book) Today we have: Fantasy Bazaar - The Walking Dead Review

Fantasy Bazaar No.3 - Five Web Comics You May Not Know

Have been away for a month, but Infected/Fantasy Bazaar is back! This week, it’s web comics. Most people are aware of the phenomenon of web comics these days. But without proper investigation, the chances are that you are going to miss out on some of the great less well known comics available to read for free on the internet. Irish web comic artist, Tommie Kelly, gives us his Top 5.