Being A Superhero May Be Bad For Your Health But It’s Totally KICK ASS!
The last time I had anticipated a movie so much was back in 2008 when Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight hit cinema screens with an unrelenting, unapologetic thwack. Now, I never deluded myself into thinking that another hero action flick of Dark Knight standard was going to fall off the shelves of a Hollywood studio anytime soon but Matthew Vaughn’s KICK-ASS really had me interested. I must be honest, I have never read the KICK-ASS comics and was indeed entirely oblivious to the concept until Summer of last year and even then I scoffed at the concept of Nick Cage in a faux Batman role and imagined a re-telling of the under-rated 1999 movie Mystery Men but the more I heard about the tone of the movie, the outlook, then the posters I was hooked. “Okay you cunts… lets see what you can do now!”