The Superbowl: we watch the commercials

Word will have reached across the Atlantic by now of the winner of the 2012 Superbowl, with, despite the game being an American national sport, the New York Giants being proclaimed world champions. This result may be meaningless to many - the easier fluff to engage with is the commercials and of course the half-time act - and was this year brought to us in fine theatrical style by Madonna. As ever with Madonna, the consensus is polarised. She is like the coriander of music, people get volatile over their disdain for her or insist that she is a legend. Whatever your view, both she and an M&M last night declared they were sexy and they know it: My impression, 3 hours in, loaded on Carlsberg and having made a minimal dent in a wagon wheel pizza, was that the ads were underwhelming. I can sleep more soundly tonight knowing … There’s more