And now I am totally Lost…
Reblogged from here. It has gone all wibbelly wobbely timey wimey and I am worn out. Every fibre of my being is screaming to me “just walk away, leave it Lottie, just leave it”. But the thing is, I have dedicated what, five years of my life to this? I can’t just give up now. No matter how much I might want to. Surely we can work this out. What are we on? Series 5? After the latest episode I wonder if it just going to be another case of history repeating. Didn’t I give up on it last season? Will I be sitting here in another five years time, pulling out my hair trying to figure out what the frack is happening? What year is it? Are they all dead? Is it purgatory? Is it just Alice in Wonderland retold? Will those crazy kids ever work it out? Is … There’s more