The Comedy Interview: Foil, Arms and Hog
Foil Arms and Hog are one of those comedy groups that mesmerise and amaze you with their quick-witted humour and perfect comic timing on stage. Off stage they are a really nice and funny bunch of guys! I caught up with them in their fancy offices recently for a chat about comedy and their future plans. So lads my first question has to be about your name. What’s with that? (After much hole-digging on my part, trying to remember what I heard we finally got to the correct answer!)The lads explain that the name grew from nicknames they had for each other, like ripping it out of each other’s style of performance, so Sean Finegan became Foil as in the comedic foil, the straight man in the sketch, Conor got Arms because he is big into the physical style of comedy and Sean Flanagan ended up with Hog as he likes … There’s more