Crank 2: Bring on The Wrath of Men

Last Thursday I went on my first “ Cinema Trip” to see the testosterone fueled Crank 2: High Voltage, the sequel to 2006′s Crank . So what can I say about this movie? It’s lewd, crude and full of very questionable plot lines and gratuitous ridiculous sex scenes. It crosses every politically correct threshold you can imagine and goes totally over the top at every given opportunity. It’s little more than a series of video game concepts crammed together with no connective fabric what-so-ever. Where as the beauty of it’s predecessor was it’s cheerful contempt for reality Crank: High Voltage simply takes wanton advantage of any freedom the first film afforded. As Janis says, freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose: two words: Puppet Montage. However, it ties up a few loose ends from the first film, it’s splattered with familiar faces in varying degrees of disguise and … There’s more

Movie News 24/04/09

Firstly, come join us next Thursday in Cineworld to see Jason Statham’s latest actioner, Crank 2: High Voltage. Sure, it’ll be a larf. Robert Rodriguez is revisiting the Grindhouse. He is making a movie out of the fake trailer Machete. Danny Trejo will reprise his role in what will undoubtedly be a gore fest. Rodriguez has also announced that he will be resurrecting the Predator franchise. He is going to make a prequel to the first Schwarzenegger movie called Predators. In Rodriguez’ hands, I’d be confident that we’ll get a great movie. But before all of that, Mr Rodriguez will be bringing out Neverackers, a futuristic thriller where a utopian society is disrupted by rebellion and a special team is formed to handle the crime wave. He’s a busy man. Denzel Washington is reteaming with Tony Scott again (and The Taking of Pelham 123 hasn’t even been released yet) for … There’s more

Darren’s Cinema Night: Crank 2

So, who’s up for it? Show up, switch of brain, enjoy Jason Statham and have a laugh and a pint afterwards. Sound good? Thursday 30th April is the first cinema night out. If it’s successful, we’ll arrange some more. For those of you who don’t know, Jason Statham is like a God. He has all the bravado and showmanship of Arnie, Stallone and JCVD from the 80′s and 90′s, but the fast paced action and technology of today. He is truly the last action hero.

Movie News 06/04/09

Remakes, remakes everywhere… In my ongoing coverage of the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, I could not see how anyone could replace Robert Englund as Freddy. Surely, there was no one who could play the iconic baddie as well. Then this week it seems they’ve found someone up to the task. Jackie Earle Haley, who played Rorschach in Watchmen, could be perfect for the role. I’m suddenly no longer appalled by the remake. What does everyone else think? I mentioned before that they are remaking Stephen King’s IT. Well, they’ve now confirmed it will be an R rating, so it should be able to cover the darker elements of King‘s novel. I am interested, though I don’t see how anyone could beat Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown. Maybe Jackie Earle Haley?? NBC are planning a TV movie remake (kinda) of The Wizard of Oz. The script follows … There’s more