The Jeanie Johnston

I’d been on this boat recently for the launch of The Henrietta Game album, but it’s come back up in conversation for very different reasons. Howth Peninsula Heritage Society - Our next lecture is: ‘The Famine Ship Jeanie Johnston’, by John O’Neill - Tuesday June 28th at 8 p.m. in the Howth Angling Centre, West Pier, Howth. All are welcome, non-members 4 euros. Is that the boat I was on I thought? I’ve met a variance in spellings since last Friday. I went back to Dermot - he’s the Hon. Secretary of the Society. To be sure, to be sure. I got this reply: I’ve confirmed now that the correct name of the ship is the Jeanie Johnston. If you can’t make it Howth, you can in case you didn’t know do a tour of the replica ship that sits along Dublin’s Custom House. Quay. Why, some might ask is this ship … There’s more