Michael Flatley’s Nemises has arrived at last

After saying goodbye to X-factor post Jedward, I moved my panel-judged reality competition needs to TG4′s An Jig Gig; the finale of which is on this Sunday at 8.30pm. If you’re thinking Irish or Irish dancing is not your scene, you’re mistaken. Not only is this quality competition telly, some of the dancing in it is amazing, in particular (my favourite) Irish Beats. Irish Beats are fascinatingly good. I know feck all about Irish dancing but I know these three young lads are brilliant to watch. They’re modern and novel, they dance with serious power and precision and they have the look. The week before last they danced to Daft Punk and last Sunday they danced to Snow Patrol - check this out:

Let Mr Blue Sky In - the flashmob in Cork on Saturday 14 November

Got to love this. Well done to all on St Patrick Street in Cork who did this on Saturday, as a protest against funding cuts to the arts, as organised for the National Campaign for the Arts. They’re still inviting signatures for their petition. Well done too to Egomotion for the videos. There’s loads of videos of it on You Tube including the rehearsals.

Moore Street Masala - did you dance in Moore Street Bollywood style?

Remember I posted about the massive Bollywood dance scene to be shot in Dublin last April? I know some of the readers or posters on here were there… Well here’s the trailer: Looks great, doesn’t it? It’s going top be shown at the Darklight Festival 2009 at Exposure at the Lighthouse Cinema at 1.30pm, Oct 10. Tickets are €8. Music by Decor Music. Film is directed by David O’ Sullivan and Produced by Miriam Cahill/fishfilms. The website is here.

Doh a deer - the flash remix - Centraal Station in Antwerp

London T-mobile dancers, you have so been beaten. Beaten hard. The “flash mob” that did this dance in Antwerp beat you hands down… While I think things like this are great, the novelty of the “surprise” wears off quickly. Have to give it to the organisers though - getting that many people to coordinate their dancing is impressive. Plus, it looks like it was great fun. Would something on this scale ever work in Ireland?