Lads, are we seriously going to Scotland?

The founding Fathers, Rick & Darren and some of us Culchieites hauled off to the Highlands of Scotland last weekend to see the lovely Dave Gorman perform on a decommissioned train carriage by Loch Ness. We had planned on a long rambling post detailing our every movement over the weekend, but we are terribly lazy and at the end of the day a puncture picture says a thousand words. More photos of the trip can be found on Flickr. Read more about Dave’s journey here. Catch-Up (4)

First thing is first, we got short-listed for a Web Award! Wohoo! Secondly, this weeks catch-up is a little early because at this very moment myself and half of Team are flying high over head on their way to Scotland to see Dave Gorman perform on a train carriage in the middle of nowhere. Expect tales of an entirely random weekend involving a comedy gig on a train and the secret missions of Ms. Bngr. Thirdly, isn’t Zooey just lovely? Movies Bngr discusses swinging. Oops, sorry Swingers, totally different thing altogether. Fun all the same. Niall fancies Cormac McCarthy’s The Road as an Oscar hopeful. Niall also questions if a Barbie movie can really make it big or will it fail due to lack of back story? I think he forgets about the millions of little girls who created their very own back stories of for self-image thrashing femme … There’s more