2009 IMTV Irish Music Video Awards Winners

Last night a few of us Culch.ies went along to the IMTV Irish Music Video Awards to see what it was all about. This was the first of the IMTV Video Music Awards and they did a great job. In The Sugar Club - always a great venue - the awards started off relatively on time and kept going at a good pace with intervening music from bands such as The Chapters, Noise Patrol and Julie Feeney, among others. We were also treated to some of the Best Video of 2009 nominees between each of the awards. You can see all of the nominees on Sharon’s earlier post, and here are the winners of the night: Best Live Video Act: And So I watched you from afar Video: Set Guitars to Kill Director: Will McConnell

Bet you never saw lunchbags like this

Remember going to school with a packed lunch. How was your lunch packed - greaseproof paper, a plastic lunchbox, stuffed in your pocket, wrapped in tinfoil? I feel deprived now - I never had lunchbags as cool as what Lunchbagart gives his kids. “A new bag each day for my kids. I’m the dad. I make these during my lunch break.” Brilliant stuff. Lunch Bag Art / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0