Review: ‘Yeah, Yeah’ - Dylan Moran

There was a point, about halfway through Dylan Moran’s latest stand-up DVD ‘Yeah, Yeah’, where it suddenly came to me in glorious Technicolour that it’s impossible to find a comedian funny unless you’re entirely on his side. I don’t mean that people can’t be won over by a stand-up they had previously dismissed; the funny bone is not the most consistent of props, after all. Admittedly, you’d be unlikely to ever find me laughing at Lee Evans, Michael McIntyre or Ronni Ancona, but it wasn’t long before the previously perplexing Mitchell and Webb got a giggle out of me, and Sean Lock’s hilarious turn on Ideal has earned him a free pass, at least for the time being. No, in this instance I’m hypothesising that you have to be able to see where the comedian’s coming from before you can laugh with him. There has to be, at the very … There’s more

Couch Potato – DVDs out this week

Couch Potato is brought to you today by the letters DVD and the colour blue. I love the Muppets, I really do. Unfortunately there are more than a few (of the non-animated variety) in our potato sack today. This week sees a disappointing selection of DVDs hit stores nationwide, and with Christmas around the corner you really would expect to see better. There’s a Ben Stiller starring sequel, a fable about a camp Austrian fashion-guru, a high-def re-release of an epic gangster flick and a whole raft of new TV series from Britain and the US.

Couch Potato - DVDs out this week

It’s Tuesday, a day the Greeks consider to be an unlucky day. I, on the other-hand, happen to think is really rather lucky, because we get a whole batch of brand new DVDs to watch from the comfort of our own homes. This particular Tuesday sees the release of a really quite excellent horror film from genre master Sam Raimi, a fun summer computer animated B-movie homage, a Hallowe’en themed direct-to-DVD horror, and another batch of TV shows from the States.

Coach Potato - Movies out on DVD this week

Tuesday is the traditional day for movie studios and distributors to line retail and rental outlets with the newest DVD and Bluray releases for you to pick up on your way home. It’s a rather peculiar day but it’s been going on for years now so there’s not much chance of it changing. This week sees the release of a disappointing summer blockbuster, a remake of a classic horror movie, a documentary featuring some Irish sporting icons and a whole host of American TV.