Review - Chalet Girl


Let’s get this straight. I don’t watch T4. I don’t have Twilight posters splashed all over my room. And I don’t navigate my iPod to my latest Lady GaGa playlist every time I turn it on. And therefore I am probably not within the target demographic for first time director Phil Traill’s Chalet Girl. But I do (don’t tell the lads down the pub this) enjoy a good rom-com, and one that is set upon the backdrop of extreme sports and has comedy legends, Bill Nighy and Bailey in the cast, I am willing to give a go… Chalet Girl sees feisty skateboard prodigy Kim Matthews (played with admirable spirit by Felicity Jones) propelled into the upper-class world of a glitzy Alpine ski resort when she is forced to become the breadwinner for her family after the untimely death of her mother. In the space of one winter season she … There’s more