How Did We Miss Everyone? My Electric Picnic Diary
I love music. I love seeing bands live. I love discovering new bands. I do not love mud and I do not love portaloos but I do love Wellies. I am conflicted. Despite and because of all of this the decision to go to Electric Picnic was an easy one. Enough good bands to keep my inner fan boy happy and enough good company to keep my inner grump at bay. Friday Friday began with a whimper as my sidekick (in truth I am hers) got trapped in work and we didn’t escape Dublin until almost 8 o’ clock. Finally with 28 cans of Dutch Gold in one hand, a bottle of gin and some toilet paper in the other we hit the road. While we didn’t manage to see any bands I did see some rather excellent episodes of Grand Designs and Come Dine With Me earlier in the … There’s more