Couch Potato - DVDs out this week

It’s Tuesday so that means it’s DVD day. We have quite a selection box of treats this week on the DVD front including a major summer blockbuster, an inoffensive if poor kids movie, an atypical Sandra Bullock rom-com and decent horror flick. Also out are two new releases from the BBC in our TV section. So a little something for all you fellow couch potatoes.

Emma - BBC1 Sunday 9pm

Calling all period drama fans. BBC have made a new version of Jane Austen’s Emma which is to air in 4 weekly parts starting this Sunday at 9pm on BBC1. Check out the promo video: The BBC are being very quiet about this new version which gives us room to speculate on what it’s going to be like. For starters, it’s a new period drama which is always a plus. The casting looks a bit off with Mr. Knightley not being old enough and Harriet being too pretty & Emma not enough so; but the same rookie casting errors were made in the BBC’s 1995 Pride and Prejudice which still turned out to be a masterpiece so I wouldn’t let that worry us. In its favour, the screenplay writer - Sandy Welch - is the same woman who wrote the screenplay for North and South, which was, for me, possibly … There’s more

Edinburgh Fringe Reviews Week 2

Week Two and there is shows coming and going with lots more to see! This week at the Traverse we have welcomed three new shows. We say goodbye to three of the easier shows and hello to The Doubtful Guest, A Life In Three Acts and If That’s All There Is. The crew were just finding our rhythm in the turnarounds and now this will tip this slightly but we will press on. However the most important arrival or creation is that of our gaff ball. All discarded gaff tape for the last week is being put together to create a gaff ball/man! One reason to see the Betrayal of Penguins is that you can say you saw John Gallagher and Matt Smyth’s first show. (To be correct it’s the second but the first stand up!) so you can brag to your friends when they become really big ala arcade … There’s more