Comedy Review: Stand up against the Bankers @ Anseo

Anseo is one of those venues that I had made plans to get to but had never quite managed to make it. Since I had got to know Aidan Killian he had been suggesting that I go, so when I came across the Stand up against the Bankers gig in aid of Occupy Dame Street which sparked the inner protestor in me, mash that together with comedy and of course you will find me there! How could I refuse? Anseo as a venue is brilliant. While sitting waiting for the gig to start, the one word that came to mind was “earthy”. This may have something to do with the colour scheme and the various odd illustrations… It has a raw edge feel to it unlike other venues I’ve been to. It seems less polished, but not in a bad way. It’s quite a big room but not that big … There’s more

Events: Stand up against the Bankers @ Anseo December 7th

Do you want to support Occupy Dame Street but are unsure how? Well Aidan Killian may have the answer for you. He has organised a charity gig with all proceeds going to the Occupy Dame Street people. This event is €8 in. If you cannot afford €8 donate whatever you can, all who show respect for the acts are welcome. There is an excellent line up on the night including Dean Scurry who is a resident of Occupy Dame Street as your MC for the evening, Jim Elliot who recently found his soul, Shane Browne known for his conspiracy theories, Enda Muldoon who is critically acclaimed as a “creative genius” and Aidan Killian will be your headliner. This has the makings of an interesting, if somewhat different night of comedy… let’s see what they can bring eh? Plus it is for a good cause after all. Where: Anseo, Camden Street … There’s more

Comedy Review: BadAss Comedy Cafe

The BadAss Comedy Café opened its doors last Friday for the first time. I was lucky enough to be invited along to the first night of this new comedy club. It is the run by Aidan Killian and Andrew Gilmore. I wasn’t sure what to expect to be honest; I was unsure whether the setting of a comedy club in a café would work… I have to say it did! Located upstairs in the café, I must say it’s quite a good set up. There was a good crowd in for the opening night, though I expected nothing less with the amount of advertising the lads did prior to it. I was greeted at the door by a lovely woman who even went out of her way to get chairs for myself and my friend to sit on! The lighting in the room was a little strange I have to … There’s more