RectoVerso #1 - The Audrey Niffenegger Interview

True bookworms will agree that you can never have too many books or book columns. With that in mind, RectoVerso‘s thanks are due to Broken Spine‘s Ronan, who agreed that there was room for another book column on Culch, and so it is that RectoVerso will be coming to you weekly, recommending, reviewing and ruminating. You can expect posts to be on a Friday, but for this week only, since we’ve been only bursting about the excitement of it all (I say we, I mean me), we bring you the very best post we could come up with to launch the new column: an interview with Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Traveler’s Wife and Her Fearful Symmetry, to name but a few. Audrey was on a one-stop visit to Ireland recently to do a reading and Q&A session for Hughes and Hughes Dundrum with Edel Coffey of the Irish … There’s more

The Time Traveler’s Wife - Movie Trailer

Three weeks ago I finished reading The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I really did wait too long to read this book - it’s spectacular. Today I came across the trailer for the upcoming movie starring the adorable Rachel McAdams and the chameleon like talents of Eric Bana and I’m totally unconvinced. It could very well be the manner that the trailer is cut but it just doesn’t seem to do the story justice. Your thoughts? **Warning** The trailer contains some pretty significant spoilers so if you haven’t indulged in the pleaure of the book yet, don’t watch it. Go out and get the book instead.