Top 5 television programmes of 2009

This is my top 5 list. A little unorthodox perhaps but it’s what works for me. Let me know what you think of these 5 and what your own top 5 would be. In no particular order: Lark Rise to CandlefordLark Rise to Candleford is a quality period drama series in its second year in 2009. A third series is due to start on 10 January. Anything set in the past is always a winner for me, and with great stories and great characters, what more do you want. Gossip GirlYou can have your Wires, Sopranos and your Madmens; Gossip Girl is the one for me. It may be teen drama but it’s the very best teen drama. I haven’t tired of it a bit in the last three seasons, which is more than I can say for anything else coming from the US.

Two Sheets To The Wind: Top 5 Comedies

After the response to and indeed furore over last weeks post of our Top Five Action movies, we decided to make a series out of the idea. Being ever so dedicated to our beloved Culchies we did what only truly committed Pop-Culchurists do and took to the pub for a brain storming session. I know, I know, hold your applause, we will be rewarded in heaven. We put our heads and our pint glasses together to come up with our lists of top comedies. Of course this opened up the discussion of how wide do we cast the net in what defines comedy. Humour is relative. We decided to limit our lists to films that are specifically designed to be comedies disregarding those accidental comedies born of drama or horror and movies in which humour is simply a happy bonus to a great movie. Deciding between the contenders for my … There’s more