Leccy Piccy ’11: The Line-up

Continuing the round of festival-related news in these parts, the leccy piccy line-up announcement at POD yesterday. Here’s the festival booking manager talking about the music weekend that put Stradbally on the map: Electric Picnic’s patronising tone of recent years - charging exorborant ticket prices and consistently repelling arguments about lack of musical quality by repeating the now-formulaic ‘it’s all about the atmosphere’ and listing out the festival awards won that year - has come to an end. There can be no complaints this year. Headliners Arcade Fire, Interpol, PJ Harvey, Chemical Brothers and the massive coup that is Pulp, are worthy of a ticket prices alone.Garnish these off with sheer quality mid-afternoon “dragging your friend out of a ditch” background music of Midlake, Beriut and The Walkmen. In an unprecdeneted turn for this festival, which in recent years has had no problems in dredging world music for some truly … There’s more