Bingo! Chatroulette Party with Heidi Konnt Cums Highly Recommended!

The bible of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (the DSM, currently in its fourth edition) classifies voyeurism as a psychosexual disorder. It is defined in the manual as the practise of looking at “unsuspecting individuals, usually strangers, who are naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity”. Now, exempting the “unsuspecting individuals” part, Chatroulette must be the biggest forum for voyeurs known to man. And it’s just a mouse-click and a webcam configuration away folks! But what do the compilers of the DSM know anyway? They have a long and chequered history of “disorder” classification; homosexuality was only declassified in 1973, back in the sixth revision of the second edition of the manual. What is and what isn’t a “disorder” has always been up for debate. Where voyeurism is concerned, the last decade has seen both social and technological change which would classify … There’s more

Want to go fly a kite or play soccer in the Phoenix Park?

What it’s called: The SARI Soccerfest and Concern Stop Child Labour Kitefest Where it is: The Phoenix Park, Dublin, Garda and Camogie Sports Grounds When it is: Sat 12 and Sun 13 Sept, 10am to 6pm How much it is: FREE There’s a huge amount happening in Dublin and beyond this weekend (The NMTT Family Gardeners Weekend, SeptemberFest, ABSOLUT Fringe and more) but one of the ones that looks like fun is the joint SARI Soccerfest 2009 and the Concern Kitefest happening in the Phoenix Park. SARI - Sport Against Racism Ireland which supports and promotes positive integration through support are bringing together over 40 men and women’s teams competing in a 7-a-side weekend tournament as part of Soccerfest. They promise a festive, fun, welcoming environment for all people to come together as participants, spectators, volunteers, performers and entertainers. There’s a host of free entertainment promised including penalty shoot outs, … There’s more

Come for a picnic in Merrion Square this Friday lunchtime

Since @picnicinthecity followed me on Twitter I’ve been wondering what it’s all about - all they’ve really said so far is “Getting ready for a picnic in Merrion Square, Dublin on 11 September 09 - hope you can join us” So being the enterprising young fella I am, I went to find out more… Picnic in the City on Friday, September 11 from 12.30 to 2.30pm is brought to you by the Nature Valley brand. It’s an open invitation to enjoy live jazz music from saxaphonist Serge Stavila, to have a complimentary picnic and to try out their new Chewy Trail snack bar which is being launched. It’s all free. Lindsay Hill from Nature Valley said: “Picnics are becoming a thing of the past for time-starved professionals. We want to bring back the simple pleasures that make all the difference to your day, such as relaxing with a Nature Valley … There’s more