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The bible of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (the DSM, currently in its fourth edition) classifies voyeurism as a psychosexual disorder. It is defined in the manual as the practise of looking at “unsuspecting individuals, usually strangers, who are naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity”. Now, exempting the “unsuspecting individuals” part, Chatroulette must be the biggest forum for voyeurs known to man. And it’s just a mouse-click and a webcam configuration away folks! But what do the compilers of the DSM know anyway? They have a long and chequered history of “disorder” classification; homosexuality was only declassified in 1973, back in the sixth revision of the second edition of the manual. What is and what isn’t a “disorder” has always been up for debate. Where voyeurism is concerned, the last decade has seen both social and technological change which would classify … There’s more