Microsoft Game Room, stepping away from the Xbox

Microsoft released their Game Room yesterday as part of their “House Party” (or “Block Party” if you live in the USA) event. Apart from some intriguing teething problems its been an interesting experiment. Essentially Game Room is a MAME type emulator of arcade games (currently limited to Atari and Konami cabinets from the late 70s and early 80s) as well as the Atari 2600 and Intellivision consoles. And these seem to be the original ROMs based on the ROM boot sequence some of the games show. The emulation is wrapped up in a customisable virtual arcade for your avatar and friends avatars to roam through. The games are OK, but the brilliance is in the execution. When you first start (provided it can connect to the game room server, that’s where the teething problems lay), you can demo the games, usually for about 10 minutes (or less if you leave … There’s more

More Than Just a Murder Simulator

Video games are a rather confusing medium to introduce to people. Unlike film and more so books which have been around longer than most people who are alive today, video games are rather young in comparison and for the most part are only now deciding what they actually are. We live in a very interesting time to be a “Gamer”. Our medium is at a strange place where it’s breaking free to become a unique way to present a world, story or character. Finally cut-scenes and long blocks of story related text are being left behind in the films and books they belong in. Game developers realise there is so much more to do with their stories and ideas than simple forcing them into the face of a player. The initial thrill of long fancy looking cut-scenes has long past, these days most gamers are either too impatient and simple … There’s more