The Proposal. Here comes the bribe…

With lots of thanks to, I won tickets to the Irish premier of the new romantic comedy, The Proposal. Starring Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock, The Proposal follows the story of Margaret (Bullock), a high flying executive for a publishing house in New York city, and Andrew (Reynolds) her over-worked assistant. When it comes to light that Margaret’s visa has run out and that she is about to be deported back to Canada, she is inspired to tell her bosses and consequently the Department of Immigration that she is engaged to Andrew. The movie follows the duo as they visit his family in Alaska for a weekend to tell them about the engagement, the family’s welcoming her with open arms, the warm fuzzy feeling of being accepted into a family, etc. It’s a simple, enjoyable tale of boy meets girl, boy hates girl, girl hates boy, boy and girl … There’s more

Thank You For Being A Friend

“You’ll have to excuse my mother. She suffered a slight stroke a few years ago which rendered her totally annoying.” Less than a year after the death of Estelle Getty, my second favorite Golden Girl actress Bea Aurthur, who played Dorothy in the show has shuffled off this mortal coil. A rep for Bea said she died peacefully in her sleep some time Friday passed. Bea had cancer, but no specific details have been released regarding her death. Her personal assistant said, “She was a brilliant and witty woman. Bea will always have a special place in my heart.” Some of my favourite Dorothy quotes: Blanche: This is strictly off the record but Dirk is nearly five years younger than I am. Dorothy: In what, Blanche, dog years? Dorothy: [to Sophia] You’re a furry little gnome and we feed you too much. Dorothy: Well Blanche is certainly taking her sister’s … There’s more