The Format: Sea Sessions Launch 2012

We recently headed down to the Workman’s Club for the launch of this year’s Sea Sessions Surf & Music festival. The Bundoran beach fest takes place from June 29th to July 1st and this year features one of its best line-up’s to date. Complete with must-see recommendations from the likes of Phantom’s Derek Byrne, Goldenplec‘s Aidan Cuffe and the Indo’s Aidan Coughlan, here’s our festival preview.  

Shout out to bands: Goldenplec’s Tea & Toast Tour is Coming Your Way

  Our mates over at Goldenplec are much nicer folk than us and they’re doing a deadly thing for charity. As part of their 10th birthday celebrations (we didn’t even know the internet was that old) they’re doing an event called Coast to Coast - Tea and Toast to raise money for the very worthy Down Syndrome Ireland. The concept is this: on April 6th, Good Friday, they’re driving from Portmarnock to Achill and back and at various stops along the way they’re gonna stop for tea and toast and a one-song gig from a local band. They’ll be recording each performance and sharing it on YouTube/Twitter/Facebook on the day - which makes it a great opportunity to plug yourself and get the word out about your latest gig/EP/album. Interested? Musicy type? Wondering if you’re on their route? Aidan Goldenplec [that's his name as far as we're concerned] says: “we will be … There’s more

Alternative Christmas Mixtape: Day 10

We asked the deadly Aidan Cuffe to send us a tune for Mixtape and he sent us three and asked us to narrow it down because he couldn’t. After listening to them a few times each, it turned out we couldn’t pick just one either - they’re all full of merit. Because it’s humpday, and because you just have to reward such effort, we’re including all three of Aidan’s choices. Cheeky, wha’? Special Treatment Bear says yes. Mick Flannery ft/ Lisa Hannigan - Christmas Past We have some amazing voices in Irish music, I was reminded of this recently having caught Lisa Hannigan and James Vincent McMorrow live. What was great about that gig was when Lisa and James performed together and it was two beautifully complementary vocals moving the adoring crowd. In 2008 Other Voices were treated to such a duet, again involving Hannigan when she performed with Mick Flannery on his track “Christmas Past”. It’s beautifully melancholy which might seem … There’s more