Movie News 08/04/09

Since it ended in 2003, there’s been plenty of speculation about a Buffy movie, but it seems that Sarah Michelle Gellar has now been approached to reprise her role. O. M. G. Al Pacino is set to play Napoleon Bonaparte in an adaptation of the children’s book, Betsy & The Emperor. Hoo-ha! Gore Verbinski director of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies has decided to drop out of the franchise. Instead he will try to kick off a new franchise with a video game adaptation, Bioshock. Two Gary’s (or is it Garies?) have joined the cast of Iron Man 2. Both Gary Shandling and Gary Oldman are now on board. Kal Penn, the dude from House and Harold and Kumar, is going to go work for Obama. No seriously! He’s quit acting and accepted a post as the associate director in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental … There’s more

Movie News 17/03/09

Reportedly Rihanna is in talks to remake The Bodyguard. The only good thing about this is that it might help wash away the memory of the awful original. God, I hate Keven Costner… (I wonder will Chris Brown be considered for the part of the bodyguard) Sam Jackson has signed on to play Nick Fury again. Not once, not twice, not thrice, but 9 more times. He will don the eye patch again for more cameos in Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, some more sequels and for the lead in S.H.I.E.L.D. I mentioned it before on my own blog that Ridley Scott is planning a movie based on the board game Monopoly, but now Gore Verbinski is planning a film version of Cluedo. I guess it makes more sense than Monopoly - at least the murder mystery plot is easy to grasp than a plot where a … There’s more