Hands on with Kinect

Last week, a few Culchies had the opportunity to preview Xbox’s newest innovation. Stephen has been talking about it all week on ChronicReload, but here’s George’s views on it. Let us know what you think…are you excited or do you feel it’s just another gimmick? - Darren So Microsoft has a new addition for the Xbox 360 and if you missed the hype about it from the last two E3‘s (although it was called Natal at E3 2009) then this (rather sarcastic) parody video should give you an idea about it. Basically it’s Microsoft’s answer to the Wii except you don’t have to hold a controller. In fact your whole body is the controller, except it’s not really, the controller sits in front of the telly and watches your every move and listens to your every word - kinda like a pet puppy except without the cuteness or the random … There’s more