Darren’s Movie News 30/04/09

There’s a few very interesting bits of news today, methinks, but before that, don’t forget we’re all off to Cineworld on Parnell Street to see Crank 2 tonight at 6.30. Come along. More info here. In very exciting news, Oliver Stone is talking about the sequel to the iconic 80′s flick Wall Street. Michael Douglas has signed on to reprise the role of Gordon Gecko and it looks like Shia LeBoeuf will play a young broker trying to deal with the current economic meltdown. No word on Sheen as of yet. Wall Street is still one of the greatest films ever made and with the world’s economy as it is at the moment, Gordon Gecko could be the very character to epitomise all that we have grown to hate about the CEO’s and bankers who are getting off scott free. What do you think? Excited to see Gecko again? In … There’s more