Coach Potato - Movies out on DVD this week

Tuesday is the traditional day for movie studios and distributors to line retail and rental outlets with the newest DVD and Bluray releases for you to pick up on your way home. It’s a rather peculiar day but it’s been going on for years now so there’s not much chance of it changing. This week sees the release of a disappointing summer blockbuster, a remake of a classic horror movie, a documentary featuring some Irish sporting icons and a whole host of American TV.

Wolverine - So What Was All That Fuss About?

A poor cliché ridden storyline with plot holes galore, awful casting in the bit parts (such as Taylor Kitsch as Gambit and Lynn Collins as Kayla), underuse of the strongest cast members (i.e. Liev Schreiber and Ryan Reynolds) and Crystal-Skulls-bad CG in parts made Wolverine a passable, average comic book movie. It wasn’t bad enough to sit alongside Catwoman, but it basically ignored the bar that was raised last year by The Dark Knight, Iron Man and even The Incredible Hulk. It will eventually find a place in my DVD press beside the first three X-Men films, but not until it goes on sale in the three for two offer in HMV.

Piracy or publicity? I’m not sure.

An unfinished version of the new X-Men movie, Origins: Wolverine, was leaked just a few days ago and has already made its way to the computers of more than a million BitTorrent users. The leaking of an illegal copy of the film is being looked into by the FBI, which could result in criminal proceedings. In an attempt to keep the damage to a minimum, Fox has been sending out takedown notices to various torrent sites. Strangely enough, a journalist for Fox News was dismissed earlier this week for posting a review of X-Men Origins based on a viewing of the illegal download. Roger Friedman joked that he might watch other films using the same method. The network condemned Mr Friedman’s action as “reprehensible” before firing his ass. The leaked workprint was a rough cut which did not contain CGI special effects and frequently showed green screens and wires attached … There’s more