I Don’t Know by Lisa Hannigan

Title: I Don’t Know Artist: Lisa Hannigan Label: Hoop Release: June 29 I think Niall Harbison pointed out that the X-Factor the Irish have is charm. And “I Don’t Know” is charming. It feels like you are eavesdropping on someone’s thought process during a crush. You fancy them, but can’t quite verbalise it to them (If you walk with me, I will keep my head), but somehow it sounds more like Lisa trying to persuade herself rather than talking to the object of her affection. Then again I suspect that is someone passing that catches the eye. The problem with charm like this is that it eventually rubs off and reveals something irritating underneath. Fortunately for Lisa Hanningan, she doesn’t reach that point. Its a yes from me. Oddly this some has two videos. No idea why there are two completely different videos, with completely different vibes. The first one … There’s more