New Video: Imogen Heap - Xizi She Knows

So, Imogen Heap is incredible. This is the beautiful video for Xizi She Knows, the fifth of the Heapsongs which will make up her new album. The video was shot in Hangzhou, China last December and is part of an upcoming film documenting Imogen’s 6 week residency in Hangzhou. The Heapsongs project is fantastically fan-centred and really very special. Each song will be completed and released individually, but will result in Imogen’s fourth solo album when jigsawed together, and the inspiration for each song comes from “sound seeds” - samples of everyday sounds - provided by fans. If you loved that video as I did, it’s really worth reading The Guardian’s interview with Imogen in which she talks about the China residency, the Heapsongs Project, and her fucking amazing relationship with her fans. The woman is a goddamn inspiration. I’m off to have a little cry now.