Volta: Irish Video on Demand

This past Thursday, saw the launch of Volta, a new Irish video on demand service offering a pay-as-you-go rather than subscription access, to a catalogue of Irish and international independent films titles. Obviously, its launch has occurred whether by coincidence or design within weeks of Netflix, a service with a global presence. Volta has less scope in its vision than Netflix, but it is a worthy one, as the service offers an outlet for home-grown material and the type of productions that won’t have a Bruckheimer-sized budget to make you feel a lesser person if you haven’t seen it. Adding to the unique quotient of the service, there is differing pricing to allow you stream (€3.99) or download (€6.99) your choices, some of which will be released on the same day and date as their theatrical release. Again, such an approach will serve well the limited budgets, scale of release … There’s more

Click: “Do You Wanna Date My Avatar” by The Guild

Title: Do You Wanna Date My Avatar Artist: The Guild Label: unsigned but sponsored by Microsoft Release: Mp3 available for download on Amazon, and iTunes are faffing aboution the international release The Guild is a low budget TV series that never made it to the TV. The fact that each episode is only 5 minutes means that it was never intended to go to television. It did however make it to YouTube and the XBox network. Essentially The Guild is a sit-com about a group of heroes in an online fantasy world, sort of like World of Warcraft, but isn’t named. Except it isn’t. Its about the players who play the characters in this world. And the messy real world actions they take. The series was created by and all the episodes (so far) are written by Felicia Day who is indeed a bigger net head than most of the … There’s more

Susan Boyle, Britain’s Got Talent and video editing

Maybe I’m far too cynical. Maybe I’m internet weary, You Tube weary and because I work in the industry, I can see the machinations behind it, but I just can’t sit and enjoy the video of Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent. Even when I saw it on TV, as good as she is, I can’t help wondering what else is at play here. The You Tube video is now up to (at lime of typing) an incredible 12,116,512 views, with other versions hitting well over the million mark. That’s a lot of people watching this woman who has become an internet sensation. While You Tube won’t allow embedding, here’s a fairly alright version from Break.com So who is Susan Boyle? She’s 47, from West Lothian and apparently she’s “never been kissed” and had, until 2007, been looking after her mother. According to this article: She said, “It was incredible. … There’s more