Here comes the Men In Black Trailer…

We get a lorra movie trailers in. We largely posted this one because we liked the title we came up with. Self-congratulatory? Us? Well, only on Thursdays. Looks quite good though. Will Smith in anything is quite good. Have a looksee (we don’t say goo in Culch Towers, ‘have a goo’ is one of the worst phrases we have ever heard. Goo is a horrible word and everyone should stop it).

Movie Trailer: Shame

It’s Michael Fassbendmeover time! Giddy with excitement and filled with dread (like when your iPod shuffles from Coldplay to Steps and the clash of emotion makes you want to jump around while crying). We’ve all excited about the sexy Fass times but we’ve also heard it’s a bleak tale that will leave you feeling horribly, horribly empty… Our review will be here tomorrow.