Music Interview: Not bad by Halves

A few months ago I went to Crawdaddy to see Brooklynites Bear in Heaven, a band I’ve been mildly obsessed with for the past year. They were great. I was beside myself. But when I look back on that night it’s the performance of their supporting act Halves which sticks in my mind the most. The tiny Crawdaddy stage was a jumble of cables, foot pedals, trumpets, guitars and (joy of joys) that oft-forgotten gem of an instrument, the melodica. Performing as a five-piece on the night, Halves shifted themselves and their various accoutrements around the tiny stage for so long before they got going I began to wonder if they ever would. But get going they did and what an unexpected surprise; they were awesome. And all of those instruments were put to good use as the band brought to life their multi-layered sound on stage. That night in … There’s more