Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously reading Roman Polanski’s court transcripts, so you don’t have to. We’ve got quite a female-centic ragbag of raging oestrogen this week, fellow gossip hounds. Must have been a drought in the cocoa beanfields, or something - as a gurl, I’m no agricultural expert - but for whatever reason, female celebs have been over-shaking the Crazy onto their chips lately. Who exactly would dare disturb me so, you might ask; Lady Gaga? Peaches Geldof? Mary Hanafin? No, kids. In a much more sinister turn, usually-bland bunnies like Beyonce have just been spotted Dancing On The Broken Mirror - shall we investigate? Let’s! Ms. Knowles is under fire for nearly setting everyone backstage at Singapore’s F1 Rocks concert … well, on fire. The Pear-Shaped One reportedly hogged all of the air conditioning, causing nearby inconsequential mortals to pass out. Supa’sta’ DJ Seb Fontaine suffered heatstroke, and all! I know it wouldn’t … There’s more

Sweary’s Jaw

Surreptitiously hiding in a tree outside Davina McCall’s gaff, so you don’t have to. Drunk-dialled recently? Surprised by an inclusion to lamebook.com? Mistaken a real guard for the stripping kind? Don’t worry, mortals, for it be the season for making a complete ass out of yourself in celebrity land as well, and you’re not the only one curled up in a ball of shame this week, howling “Let me die!” to any masochist left in your company. By now, the world and his donkey is aware of Kanye West’s bizarre interruption of Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMAs, but surely the world and his donkey already had some sort of notion that Mr. West is as bonkers as the average X-Factor wannabe lost, in a hall of mirrors? Check out the “new” King of Pop’s hair, for Jaysus’ sake. Any man who shaves the design of Saved By The … There’s more