Oxegen Preview Picks - Lissie, Frightened Rabbit and Kele.
Two from Friday, one from Saturday, folks; I have to be back at work on Monday morning, after all (not that I’m going to Oxegen in any sphere but spirit). Here’s my three cents for this weekend’s aural extravaganza! Friday - Lissie - 2fm/Hot Press Academy Stage … and for my money, the stage of champions, unless you’re the kind of lunatic (read: Darren) who champions the Black Eyed Peas, in which case, good day to you. For those of us remaining distinctly unimpressed with the Lady Gaga/Beyonce/Katy Perry school of bleached, bland sisterhood, Lissie should prove a timely relief. From Illinois but dragged much further south by her musical proclivities, Lissie is a far cry from Polished Popstrel and The PR Posse; naturally talented, naturally beautiful, interesting all on her own merits, and with a voice not unlike how I’d imagine the spikiest of the sirens would sound. If … There’s more