Ken, Meet Barbie; Barbie, Meet Ken

Can you believe it’s 15 years since we first met Woody and Buzz. Toy Story was such a big part of my childhood - but I was already in my teens when it first came out in 1995. Proof that it truly was a film for all ages. Then in 1999, rather than release a throwaway sequel, Pixar and Disney created Toy Story 2, a follow up story that bettered the original. It was intelligent and touched on themes of abandonment, love and identity. So, 10 years on, is there still a place for Woody and Buzz in our lives? Andy has grown up and become a young man. He has put away childish things. Should we be doing the same? Should we leave Toy Story 3 to the kiddies and spend our cinema money on Meryl Streep dramas and James Cameron epics? Watch this and then decide. It’s the … There’s more