This is No Laughing Matter

Let me tell you about someone rather special. His name is Hans Teeuwen (pronounced toy-wen, I think) and he is a comedian (I use the term loosely). He is an off-the-wall act - he’s confrontational, challenging, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, loud, neurotic and perhaps psychotic. He is all of these things and more. The problem is - he’s not particularly funny. On Saturday evening last, at the Kilkenny Cat Laughs Festival, we went along to Adam and Jason’s Spotlight on…Hans Teeuwen. We weren’t entirely sure what to expect. The rumour was that Hans didn’t exist and that Adam Hills and Jason Byrne had made him up. Sadly, that was not the case. When going to see Hans, I think it important to bring with you your own stock pile of irony. His act, which includes referencing probably non-existent Dutch TV shows, sing-alongs that don’t work, criticising Disney’s overly … There’s more

Cat Laughs 2009 - Here We Go Again

Darragh and Darren have already regaled you with the highlights of last year’s Festival so I won’t go throught it again. In case I haven’t made it clear yet, I am really really looking forward to the weekend and we’ve really prepared for this year. We’re going to everything. Practically. Last year’s festival was one of my highlights of 2008 and not merely because of the comedy. The atmosphere of the weekend is something I’m really hoping we can recreate and for that reason I am also looking forward to: 1. Great weather We’re Irish so it’s only natural to talk about the weather. The topic has been playing on my mind for some time now - since April actually, the day I bought our 18 tickets for the weekend. Last year the sun shone throughout and I had the blisters to prove it. So having checked out the forecast … There’s more