Two Sheets to the Wind: Top 5 Vampire Movies

For the month that’s in it our Top-5′s are all scary ghoulish themes. Last week we had the Top 5 Zombie Movies and some disagreements about the exclusion of The Evil Dead series from our list. This week it’s all about the Vampires. I am a huge fan of the Vampyre, from the classically kitsch to the bloodcurdling frightening. I enjoy the movies that follow the formula of the legend as much as those that defy convention and say damn the “rules” shunning cross, garlic and even the sunlight. The genre is so varied - there’s the gore, horror, terror, drama, sensuality, romance and comedy to be had. I rate Joss Whedon’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer as one of the best TV series of all time and my number one movie on this list as one of the greatest films that I have ever seen. You won’t find Vincent Price … There’s more

Movie News 15/04/09

How to bleed a franchise dry…the X-Men franchise has seen three movies go on release to accumulate somewhere in the region of $1,050,000,000 and this will only increase with next month’s Wolverine. The origin story of Magneto is also in the works and now it seems studio execs are trying to light a fire underneath X-Men:The First Class, the story of Charles Xavier’s first set of mutant students. I’m sure this will spark its own franchise spin. Overkill much? Richard Jenkins (the father from Six Feet Under) and Julia Roberts will star in Eat, Pray, Love, centering on a married woman who embarks on a journey of self-discovery after realizing that she’s not living the life she wants. The lovely Kristen Bell (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Heroes and the voice of Gossip Girl) has been cast in Disney’s You Again, as a girl who is shocked to find out her brother … There’s more